I bet if you checked the clothes you’re wearing right now that most of them were made in China (or nearby). It would also be a fair bet that the computer you’re using was made there also along with your phone and a lot of what you own full stop. In fact, looking around me about the only thing not made in china is me! Whilst pondering the existential nature of life on the bus home last night this rather bizarre factoid struck home and I scribbled a note in my iPhone to remind myself of it later.

That same night I fired up Photoshop and determined to create my own statement of manufactured origin to adorn myself with. I decided to go with a take on the “Keep Calm and Carry On” war poster since it seemed to embody quintessential British sentiment using classic timeless design. Above is what I came up with (thanks to RC for kerning advice).

To make it more of an ironic statement I got it printed on T-shirts (his & her versions) at a small vendor in Hua Qiang Lu market (Shenzhen) for a ridiculously low price. So there you have it – from concept to reality in less than 24 hours a “Made in UK” T-shirt made in China (+points for noticing the unintentional faux pas).
These are very exclusive right now but for an appropriate donation I might be tempted to send you one 😉 I’m considering starting a shop that sells T-shirts printed with random Chinglish, my first victim being the T-shirt making shop itself whose motto proudly proclaims “Our Can Do It”. I love China.
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