The good news is that as you may have noticed I’ve managed to resurrect most of my posts from January which were lost in the ‘The Great Crash‘ (as it will from here on in be known!). This was thanks to someone’s cached copy of the page which I managed to rip apart and reconstruct the content from (comments included!). I’m still missing one or two posts from between Jan 12th-17th so if you happen to have a copy of them lying around please send them my way!
Now time for a first on – a restaurant review! One of very few to come I imagine considering the frequency with which I eat out but still…
Nagomi – Stowell Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne (0191 233 2333)
I visited Nagomi last Saturday for a friend’s birthday. Nagomi is a Japanese restaurant in the heart of Newcastle’s small, but functional China town district (go figure that one!). What first strikes you about the place is its incredibly well-executed modern exterior and interior design which is typically Japanese as you would expect. The use of light is particularly good with internal frosted glass walls which cast an interesting luminescence and some soft hanging light shades over each table.

The important bit – the food! Unless you’re familiar with Japanese cuisine or are with someone who is, the menu will probably look a bit daunting at first. If this is the case then my advice would be to stick with one of their simple set menus which are a fairly safe bet! If you go around lunchtime (12-3 pm) then everything is a bit cheaper, starting at £6.50 for the set menu which includes dessert.

I neatly side-steeped the sushi options and choose chicken on a bed of rice with miso soup (which also included a few other small dishes). It has a far more interesting name but I was too busy eating it at the time to remember to write down its Japanese name! Sufficed to say it was beautifully presented and tasted delicious (oishii!). I feel like a bit of a pro with the old chopsticks now and it was fun to see other people struggling with them for a change!
All-in-all I would thoroughly recommend Nagomi to anyone (8/10). For another review see here.