On the third day of my trip to Taiwan, we travelled about 2 hours out of Taipei by car into Miaoli County as recommended by our taxi driver (who conveniently spoke perfect English!). Taiwan may be a relatively small island but has much variety on offer in terms of scenery.

Our driver took us up into the lush green mountains where we ate lunch outside at a local restaurant owned by his mother. Sitting overlooking the deep valley below it was nice to be able to relax for a change instead of the rather hectic pace of previous days.

Being a warm day the setting was perfect and although the black chicken and ginseng soup was a little overpowering everything else was pretty tasty.

If they had high-speed internet up here it might just be the perfect place to live!

The old town had a quaint shopping street with many traditional arts & crafts shops and a definite slower pace of life.

I came across these strange hanging objects that even my Taiwanese friends struggled to identify. Our best guess was that they’re the internal organs of some animal being dried to make them ready for sale. They didn’t look hugely appetizing 😀