So after 5 days in my new home, Shenzhen, the most resounding impression so far is that this place is hot – really hot. During the day it’s been around 32°C and at night 27°C, all intensified by 66% humidity in the concrete jungle of high rise apartments and offices. Air-conditioning is a must-have and makes working indoors much more pleasant but wandering around in the midday heat is physically draining and you’ll probably want to carry around a bottle of water at all times.

Most likely having something to do with the heat at around 1 to 1.30 pm each day most people take a nap, in fact, in my new office a security guard comes round and turns the lights off then on at the allotted time. I found it rather amusing the first time to watch everyone get out a pillow and rest their heads on their desk!! I’ve not followed this trend yet but might give it a go next week 😉

The other thing which strikes me about Shenzhen is that this is predominantly a city where people come to work. The skyline is filled with high-rise apartment buildings as far as the eye can see which houses approximately 16 million inhabitants who have come from all over this massive country to find their fortunes. In China you are literally 1 in over a billion, perhaps giving a new perspective on the power China’s collective mind. This is living on an industrial scale.

I’ve already had some amazing food since I arrived including fried frog which tasted like chicken, but not much meat! Last night after many hours of apartment hunting I had hot pot (above) with a colleague and his wife who have been very kind in helping me to find an apartment. This has got to be one of my favourite Chinese meals – simple yet very very delicious and nutritious.
The past week has been pretty non-stop but in one week there is a national holiday which will mean a week off work so I can’t complain! More soon.