As 2011 begins the time for reflection and change is upon us again. 2010 was a bit of a mixed bag with plenty of highs and lows along the way. Most of the highs were travel related, the pinnacle being a trip to Japan, but also adventures in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and a return to South Korea. Another highlight was having the chance to present some of my photos to an audience and being interviewed. The lows are not worth revisiting but sufficed to say it’s hard to believe the year passed so quickly.
2010 goals in review:
- Stick to a schedule for language learning and fitness – partial success (language no, fitness yes)
- Start a business of some sort and see it through – failed (despite making some headway)
- Improve writing skills and user participation in blog – partial success
- Create more video content and how-to guides – partial success
- Visit Japan – something I’d wanted to do for many years – success
- Learn how to cope with stress better (and sleep more!) – failed
I think last year’s goals were probably a bit over-ambitious hence the partial success but I am satisfied with how things went overall. For 2011 I have decided to take a leaf out of someone else’s book:
In 2011 I will “Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary.”
I will focus on doing more of the things I enjoy (travel, photography, writing) and less of the things I dislike (dealing with politics, time-wasters, distractions). To start me down this path, the big news for the beginning of 2011 is that I have resigned from my former job in Shenzhen and will be moving to Hong Kong to start something new next week. This decision has been a long time coming and not something I have taken lightly, however, a change of scene is badly needed. More on this in a few days’ time.

Randomwire has had another good year with traffic more than doubling again and some interesting connections made with readers both online and in the real world. A huge thank you to everyone who reads the blog and if you’ve never got in touch before do feel free to say hello, I love all the comments!
Finally, I hope you’ve had a good holiday and have a very Happy New Year 🙂
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