Lots have been going on the last couple of days… On a very frosty boxing-day morning we ventured out into the cold to visit Blickling Hall & Park and had a nice walk around the lake and gardens. Unfortunately, the house itself was closed but it still looked very picturesque.
Today we went to Cambridge for a fairly standard touristy type visit around the various colleges. In the end, we could only go inside Trinity and St. John’s college because the rest were closed for the bank holiday 🙁 That said, we still had a good time and luckily the weather held out for the whole day.
Inside St. John’s college
The only downside of Cambridge is that it seems to be terminally busy with people everywhere making photography a bit tricky. Having said this I did manage to get quite a few nice photos one of which I particularly like is looking up a stone spiral staircase (below), almost hypnotic!

There is so much I want to post about right now but I simply don’t have the time, hopefully, I should be able to put together something a little more comprehensive later in the week when I have some more *free* time (allegedly!).
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