Happy Christmas one and all!!!
Just taking time out from the hectic preparations going on here to do a quick update since I missed out on posting yesterday (way too busy!). Echo has come to visit for a few days which is nice, especially as she has never experienced Christmas before. Yesterday afternoon we went to the Cathedral carol service in which my sister was singing in the girl’s choir. It was very busy but we managed to get good seats as we arrived quite early.

The music was very good and the atmosphere in the Cathedral was nice with the lights dimmed and all the decorations put up. After this, we went home and had dinner which consisted of lasagna which I cooked with mum earlier in the day. I think it went down quite well – it certainly tasted nice to me!!

Today we went to a short church service first thing in the morning and then had a pleasant walk down by the river. Along the way, we encountered a curious flock of swans who seemed very curious about us but considering their size I didn’t want to get too close! Although the weather is pretty cold outside today unfortunately we’ve had no snow yet but fingers crossed there might be some in the next couple of days 🙂

The smell of lunch is wafting temptingly from downstairs so I will sign off now. Hope everyone has a good day and most importantly don’t forget to watch the Queen’s speech!!! hehe