In China, the English language is a fickle thing where the normal rules of grammar, punctuation and general comprehensible sentence structure do not seem to apply. So prolific is this phenomenon that they even have a name for it: Chinglish. Today’s post is a homage to this most wonderful of Frankenstein languages which keeps foreigners chuckling all day long and undoubtedly has sign makers busy when hapless proprietors realise their English faux pas (or not as the case is usually).
The following collection of shop sign shots was taken around the Haiya area of Nanshan District, Shenzhen nearby where I live:

No Right Just Suitable – a clothes shop where you’ll never find exactly what you’re looking for but it’ll be suitable nevertheless.

Hot Enticement – selling all manner of spicy foods to entice you into its fiery lair. Very reasonable prices too!

A Slight Fever – just what this is supposed to mean I don’t know. Is that a dog? A place to catch Swine Flu? Confusing.

Dolci & Vita – not content with getting the spelling wrong the use of “&” also seems rather unnecessary but when you’re living the sweet life who cares (it’s a cake shop).

King Kong – shoes for people with big feet perhaps or just a homage to the fictitious ape?

Hello Good – say no more.

Money Worship – ironically appropriate for China but probably lost on its owner.

Xin An Easy Money – perhaps not strictly Chinglish but clearly the money at this particular bank was a bit too easy!
This is just the tip of the iceberg – Chinglish can be found on t-shirts, advertisements, books, you name it… I could start a whole blog on this subject but I think you’ve got the picture. If/when I start my own company in China I’m going to give it an equally wacky name. Any suggestions?