A friend of mine has an apartment in Hong Kong with an amazing rooftop terrace which looks out over the Wan Chai (灣仔) district. Having first seen it during the day I had to come back in the evening to take some pictures of the skyline.

Wanchai is a curious area with a mixture of old and new buildings nestling side by side. The thick density of the buildings and even some of the architectural styles reminded me strongly of New York – Chung Wui Mansion in the centre of the pic above looks a bit like the Flatiron building.

Gazing down at the streets below is mesmerising.

Even at only 23 stories high the people and cars look like ants, the shop lights illuminating the arteries of the city.

In the distance, the Happy Valley (跑馬地) can be seen (where a racecourse of the same name is located).

On the top of the building in the foreground of this picture, a bed can be seen sitting out in the open – quite what it’s doing there is a mystery! Theories are divided over whether it’s just been thrown out by a lazy owner or if someone enjoys sleeping there during the summer 😀

I have to apologise for the slowness of updates again – I have been very busy with work. I’m just about to fly off for a week in Atlanta, USA and then another in South Korea – lots of updates once I’m back (I promise!).