“Enjoying his sheep head towel” by Mickey_Liaw is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
Never let it be said that I am not a trendsetter in all aspects of life, in fact when it comes to clothes I consider my wardrobe to be the *height* of fashion. With this in mind I decided to take a leaf out the latest in couture from South Korea: behold the Sheep Head (literal translation), otherwise known as the “Princess Leia towel doo”.

For those who don’t speak Korean:
- Fold towel length-ways 3 times
- Fold the ends over themselves until secure
- Turn over and find opening
- Pull opening apart till head sized
- Place on head (your face may or may-not blur as show!)
Walking down the street will never feel the same again, warm ears and a dry head are just some of the benefits of having a Sheep Head. Worn as an everyday accessory by both young and old this is the essential 2007 look, heading from a republic peninsular to your head shortly. You heard it here first!
I’m wearing mine right now, are you?!
*sarcasm implied