Matt Cutts, a software engineer at Google, recently did an interesting talk on search engine optimisation (SEO) tips for bloggers – if anyone should should be an expert in this dark art you’d expect it to be him! It’s pretty useful stuff (for those who care about this sort of thing) and you can find the video of the talk, presentation, and a number of commentaries on his blog. I’ve already implemented some of his suggestions but at the end of the day good content is king and only your readers can judge that!

During my University days, I used to aim to post every other day but since entering the real world it’s down to once or twice a week. I wish I had more time to put into the site but I guess it’s about the quality over the quantity 😉 On the plus side, I’m intending on dragging my laptop with me to Korea next month and will be “live blogging” my adventures whenever possible – it’s said that in London you’re never more than a meter away from a rat, whereas in Korea you’re never more than a meter away from a super-fast fibre channel!

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