I was having lunch at Jin Yue Xuan 金悦轩 dim sum restaurant in Futian (Shenzhen) recently when I noticed something unusual out of the corner of my eye; all the chefs were women. The world of professional cooking is traditionally dominated by men, you only have to look at the celebrity chefs on TV to see the unequal proportions, and in China even more so.

Perhaps someone can enlighten me on why this is the case at this restaurant because I have no idea. All I can confirm is that the food was delicious!

Steamed Pork Buns (Baozi) – my personal favourite.

Steamed Shrimp Dumplings (Har Gow)

Steamed Vegetable & Pork Dumplings (Zheng Jiao) – served on slivers of carrot.

If you want to learn how to cook dumplings you could check out my video here but believe me these women do a far better job! You can find the restaurant right next to exit D of Che Gong Miao metro station.