This morning we were travelling along the expressway (think M25) heading to work and someone ran into our taxi from behind. The drivers proceeded to stop in the middle of the 3-lane road and have a heated argument with half of Beijing behind us getting very angry. After they had got it out of their system they both got back in their cars and we drove off – no details exchanged, I guess insurance doesn’t work in quite the same way here!

In the evening we went out to eat a local speciality – Beijing Duck at the famous restaurant Quanjude. Here you can see waitress no. 0247 (they don’t have names!) demonstrating how to wrap the duck meet with vegetables and sauce into small “lotus leaf pancakes” (skins). It was seriously delicious, very filling, and probably equally bad for you 😉 At the end they give you a card showing your “duck number” – mine was the 1.15 hundred millionth duck (.300408) they had served since 1864!