2009 Goals

Looking back 2008 was a pretty good year on balance. My largest personal achievement was relocating to China from London, starting a new job and effectively a new life here. I’ve been in Shenzhen for four months now and am still enjoying every day for the most part. A few years ago I would never have imagined having the confidence to be able to do this and now looking back if I hadn’t taken the leap into the unknown I would always have regretted it. I think there’s a lot to be said for avoiding the malaise of the “comfort zone” by forcing yourself to change and by doing so learn something new while gaining valuable experience.

As a record to try and energise myself into action here are my goals for 2009:

  • Gain basic fluency in Mandarin Chinese by EOY
  • Improve photography skills
  • Get fitter through more regular exercise
  • Cook more (something I’ve let lapse since relocating)
  • Stay focused and filter out distractions
  • Redesign blog template (current design getting old)

Talking of high-energy, on a lighter note I’ll leave you with 7 epic minutes from Capsule (Japan) with some very neat motion graphics

…and indecipherable lyrics – “Ankles strapped our secrets slaved march breaking like a fruit just like you leaning bouncing feel the speed of landing stepping jumping jumper”.

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