After two fairly intense hikes in Yakushima during the prior week, we took a day off to explore the perimeter of the island by car, stopping at waterfalls and beaches along the coast.
Senpiro-no-taki Waterfall (千尋の滝)

The strength of the 60m

From an observation platform opposite the waterfall, you can get a beautiful view of the mountains rising abruptly out from the edge of the coast.
Chukanhama Beach (中間浜海水浴場)
Heading clockwise around the island, we stopped at a rocky beach to stretch our legs and enjoy the beautiful weather. On the dunes above the beach was an enclosure keeping safe hundreds of turtle eggs waiting to hatch.
Yakushima is an important site for both the endangered loggerhead and green turtles to lay their eggs. Since the late 80’s they have been protected and visitors are not allowed on beaches at certain times of
Ohko-no-taki Waterfall (大川の滝)

Ranked in the Top 100 Best Waterfalls In Japan and the largest in Yakushima, you can walk right up to the plunge pool of the 88m high falls. It was hard to hear yourself speak above to roar of the water.
Hirauchi Kaichu Onsen (平内海中温泉)
Late afternoon we went for a dip at Hirauchi Kaichu Onsen, one of a couple of natural hot springs along the coast which are accessible for a few hours each day at low tide.
Soaking amid the sounds of lapping waves was quite magical and perfect for our aching legs.
Be aware that it’s a
Anbo Port (安房港)

At dusk, we drove out to a spur overlooking Anbo Port. As with much of Japan’s fortified coastline, giant concrete tetrapods have been piled high to prevent erosion. They were a strange contrast to all the nature we’d seen that day.
A friendly fisherman told us if we came back at dawn the next day we might be able to see some of the famed sea turtles coming onto the beach.
Iso No Kaori (いその香り)
For dinner, we had some of the freshest sushi and sashimi I’ve ever tasted at Iso No Kaori near Anbo Port. An unexpected first for me was a fried flying fish! Everything was delicious.
Three of us managed to drag ourselves out of bed at 4 am the next morning and drove back to the port. Unfortunately, there weren’t any turtles but we did witness a stunning sunrise.