After a long stint in the car, I’m finally back home for Christmas. I’ve been very unpacking and catching up with my family so I’ll keep this short tonight. My mum cooked a delicious steak dinner for me this evening which was great and a rare treat! Whilst I was away not much has changed aside from my brother growing another inch or so taller and the leaves falling off the trees but it’s nice to be back (for a short while at least).
I’ll leave you today with a photo of what must be one of the most amazing bridges (certainly the tallest) ever built. The Millau Bridge, just opened in France, spans an entire valley (2.5km wide) on the southern edge of the Massif Central mountain range. With spires higher than the Eiffel Tower which rise above the clouds it’s quite a sight to behold:

You can read more about it here. (I’ll post better photos if I can find them).