Day 7.5 : Ming Tombs

On our way back from the Great Wall we stopped at the Ming Dynasty Tombs. After entering through the “Great Red Gate” (housing a giant stone turtle!) you are led down a tranquil avenue called the “Spirit Way” lined with large stone statues of animals and figures. It’s a really nice place to get away from the craziness of the city centre but I imagine it would be even better when the trees are in blossom!


The photo above shows a carving of a writhing dragon atop a stone column. These mythical beasts called hou were thought to report to the emperor. Even today there is a strange air about the place of power and mystery stopped in hundreds of years of history!

More photos here.

David avatar

One response

  1. sabrina avatar

    strange air about the place of
    power and mystery stopped in
    hundreds of years history!

    You got it 🙂


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