Yesterday was probably the most tiring day I’ve had in years. I got up in the South of the UK at 6 am and went to sleep in the North around 2 am (this morning!). My epic journey included many trials, including four hours of interviews and many other challenges!

On my way, I managed to get a few cool pictures in Canary Wharf which is a pretty amazing part of London that was re-generated during the ’90s. The above is my favourite – I’ll try and put a gallery up of the rest later on if I can get it to work properly (graphics manipulation library problems at the moment!).

This morning I opened my curtains to be greeted with a white blanket of snow covering the surrounding landscape. With it being so cold recently I had been expecting it for a while but it hadn’t been forecast until tomorrow! In light of this, a trip outside was definitely required. Many snow-related assaults ensued!