Words ≠ Actions

love your earth

Looking at the submitted designs in the “Love Your Earthdesignboom competition, for artwork to raise awareness about the environment, there are some pretty cool entries ~ in particular, these two which are very simple but effective ~ the left one was the overall the winner [via].

I can’t help but worry that “being green” has become fashionable for the sake of one’s image rather than the sake of the environment (no, recycling does not justify your Chelsea tractor). Climate change has certainly gone a long way up the news agenda in the past year, which can only be a good thing, but at the end of the day, actions speak louder than words…

Elsewhere… Here in the UK, it’s finally iDay which sees the launch of the fabled “Jesus Phone” (their words not mine!). You know where I’ll be at 6.02 pm tonight 🙂

David avatar

7 responses

  1. Shirley avatar

    Where will you be at 6:02pm on Saturday evening David? 😉

  2. Well, it was Friday, not Saturday – the launch of the Apple iPhone! I think i gave rather a big hint above 😛

  3. Erm… maybe buy a Prius or a bicycle instead…?!

  4. Alan avatar

    I'd like a Range Rover and an Aston Martin DB5. Would that be ok if I reduced my flight related CO2 by the same amount? Can you suggest any measures I could take to be more green (other than the above mentioned recycling)?

  5. You should really have a look at this link.. enlightening:

  6. Got to love the Onion!

  7. Maria avatar

    I love those pictures! 🙂 They're really pretty!

    Um… the Jesus 'phone? I don't think that even deserves comment 🙁

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