
I’m very happy this evening because after much hassle I’ve managed to generate my first prototype three dimensional (3D) hyperbolic visualisation for my project using the excellent Walrus graph visualisation tool:

Walrus Viz

Basically this shows how 20 random nodes are linked together on the network. I know it isn’t much to look at but believe me once I have a bit more data it will look very cool, probably something more like this.

The last few days I’ve been awake from 7am through to around 1am, I really feel in of need some sleep now but I think there’s enough time for some linkage:

How Much is Inside? – This has got to be the coolest waste of time ever. A bunch of people have gone to some extraordinary lengths to answer this age old question of various items and miscellanea. One of my favorites has got to be how much blood is in a human!

Anti-Laser Contact Lenses – Something we could all do with I think, especially for when a lecturer gets a bit excited with their laser pen! Unfortunately the only people who will be getting this any time soon are the US military!

Gnome 2.8 – What’s new and cool. Like you need any more reason to convert? I’ve been running it since it came out and can vouch for its stability and quality – there are still a few rough edges but nothing significant.

For those who have asked about the status of Red Ted’s mission to Tokyo the truth of the matter is that I have no idea where he is right now. I’m still awaiting confirmation from Yukari-san. Hang on in there RT, wherever you are!

I’ll leave you with this rather freaky photo of an eye I’ve been playing with – which is better, the colour or black & white version? I’d be inclined to go with the latter but would be interested to hear what other people think.

My Eye

David avatar

2 responses

  1. I really like the second image. I love masked images.. they're so kewl! 😉

  2. Ty again! I found it pretty difficult taking an in-focus shot of my own eye but I think it came out OK in the end. Isn't photoshop (or Gimp in my case) wonderful!


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